And this time, it’s personal! Kinny is to be interviewed by the extraordinary Andrew Kay on the prestigious ‘Latest Channel’, broadcasting out of beautiful downtown Brighton, to talk about himself (a subject on which he has become an expert), the internationally touring work of Krazy Kat, his daze , oops, days with the Lindsay Kemp Company, and his training and giggling with Martha Graham. All in the space of 22 minutes… To catch the show locally to Sussex UK it’s on channel 7 on Freeview, and for all our folks further flung in UK it’ll be found on 159 Virgin Media. The interview will also be viewable on website where it will be streamed as it goes out on the terrestrial channels. Our somewhat overexcited Dr Gardner records on Tuesday 23 April, so the fully garnished broadcast will be 30th April 2019, with several repeats that following week, and, joy of joys, also available on YouTube