Taking over the lead role in ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ at London’s Palace Theatre in the West End is our own Jim Fish. Actor and co-creator with Krazy Kat for many years, he has been in the Harry Potter company for a while, and now steps up to play the great man himself. We couldn’t be prouder, and YES we have seen him and YES he is FAB. A brilliant 40th birthday gift for all of us!
More 40th Birthday Memories
One of our Kats requested to see this again. And who are we to disagree! It was a joyous production, co-produced with Fittings Multimedia and The Royal Exchange Theatre in lovely Manchester. Edmund has now retired to the south of France, but occasionally visits the office to spread his own special brand of Pigginess… Click on the link below to have a short You Tube ‘blast from the Krazy Kat past’.
Edmund the Learned Pig at The Royal Exchange Theatre October 2013 – YouTube
As we are approaching our 40th Birthday on April 1st 2022…
… we thought to post some ‘historical’ archive materials. And so, here is an article from Time Out about our first EVER sign-language extravaganza. ‘CACOPHONY’ was created in 2000, with funding from Arts Council England, as an experiment in developing our own visual voice. It was brilliantly directed by Barry Grantham,. It featured Kinny Gardner, Alastair S Macmillan, Katie Fenwick and brought into the company the wonderful Tinca Leahy.
As this years leaves us…
There is a lot of excitement in the Kat office for 2022! We are continuing our development of our touring sign language drama workshops and starting to look at creating a new touring performance piece. All top secret at present, but it may well involve our old friend ‘The Big Bad Wolf’… In the meantime, our offices are closed until early in January 2022, and we send happiest of seasonal greetings to ALL.
Touring again….and a blast from the past
This is a delightful yet very old photo of the ‘Commedia Clowns’ Company which was only the fifth Krazy Kat Company show we ever created! We are a jolly bunch of Kinny, Alastair, Joanna Tagney and Keith Boehm, and it was a summer tour, with this shot taken in Edinburgh by David Liddle outside the big country house we used to live and rehearse in. Massive thanks to Su Skelton, one of our designer creatives, for unearthing this artefact! Now, in Autumn 2021, we are back on the road with Kinny’s one-grandad ‘Cinder-Ella’, and it’s a joy to see old friends and make some new ones…
The Autumn and Winter tours approach…
The bookings are being confirmed, travel being sorted, accommodations being booked… once again The Kats are preparing to hit the road for our Autumn and Winter travels. There are always so many things to organise with so many things to remember, and at this point in the preparations there are rehearsals, meetings and countless e mails to process. Busy, busy and so pleased that we are heading into the rest of 2021 with a spring in our step! Onwards!
Another year to celebrate the Kats
It was April Fool on the 1st of April and also the 39th Birthday of The Krazy Kat Theatre Company. From our early days in Woodlands of Durris up in beautiful Aberdeenshire, to our years based in Bolton, then London and now sunny Brighton, we have so delighted in the touring. It’s been 39 years of meeting new people, learning new skills and laughing our way around the globe. Here’s to our next year of Krazy Katting! (The photo one of our favourites of the cast of ‘A Victorian Mikado’- Kinny Gardner, Jim Fish and Tinca Leahy, designed by Chris de Wilde).
Spring arrives and so do the Kats…
As the flowers start to bloom so, once again, does The Krazy Kat Theatre Company. We have been cooking up plans with the wonderful ‘Rigor Mortis Tortoise’, recording songs and filming bits and pieces, looking forward to when we can launch the 2021 extravaganza on the world! Of course as soon as we are allowed we will be back on the road and already we can announce that we have received some funding to allow this to happen. Onwards into a brighter 2021! In the meantime, here is a delightfully silly composite photo of some of our early works, lots of bright colours and the talents of Alastair S Macmillan and and our Dutch co-artist Alice Ruytiers joining Dr. Kinny in a daft memory of much enjoyed silliness! Photos all by the talented Robert Workman Theatre Photographer — Robert Workman Theatre Photographer , click the name to visit his website…
It’s only August and look who are coming back…
And not just those dreadful Ugly Sisters, but Cinder-Ella and Dr. Kinny Gardner too! After the worry and slurry of the last few months, the Kats are thrilled to announce we have secured a bit of funding to put in place a Covid 19 friendly tour of our favourite ever show. More news as dates are finalised, but we wanted to get the good news out there immediately, and start the rebuilding and the healing process with our Kat colleagues, programmers and friends. Onwards into the next part of 2020!
Kats in the time of uncertainty…
With all the upheavals happening at present, all the Kats are happy to tell you that they are safe, healthy and keeping busy. We are pleased to tell you that most of our funders are being supportive still, and are encouraging us to continue to plan for the upcoming shenanigans that will be occurring in the not too distant future. This is a photo of a theatrical tradition, called spookily ‘The Ghost Light’. However, it’s not spooky at all, in fact it’s very practical as it’s left on the stage in a theatre at night time to shed a light so no one working at night falls off the stage! And here, we at The Krazy Kat Theatre Company place it on our website, to remind us all that the curtain will rise again…very,very soon.